Sunday, March 17, 2019


. . . It is humbling . . . To be open . . . It is vulnerable . . . Yet, out of this there is sweetness . . . And I honor God, when I tell of how He has and how He is working in my messes and jumbles of mistakes and humanity . . . Once again yesterday and this morning I was WhatsApping with a friend and sharing part of my heart and life and how God is there for me . . . It is one of the ways I have come to realize that He wants me to walk . . . In openness . . . In being transparent . . . In being honest about my mistakes and my doubts and fears . . . And in the ways that He answers and holds my hand . . . And that can get v.e.r.y personal . . . Too personal to share on here . . . But one on one it can happen . . . And it can be a blessing . . . I have been blessed by others honesty and bravery . . . By their boldness and lack of pride . . . Sing His praises, my friend, tell of His goodness in the land of the living . . . Don't hide it all till the next life . . .

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