Sunday, March 03, 2019

A Birthday Song

My daughter's birthday arrives again tomorrow . . . The song leader at our little church has this tradition of letting the birthday person choose a song amidst the first few hymns that day.  Your birthday needs to happen during that last week.  So next week, Loraine gets to choose a song.

I have fond memories of celebrating birthdays at Kitchi . . . The congregation there would sing a birthday song to/for you . . . Not the common "Happy Birthday to You", but a song that starts out like this, "So, you've had a birthday, that's what we've been told.  May the Lord as His blessing for each year you're old . . . ". I have loved that song and will always love it!  I just don't hear it enough these days . . . I request it at times when a happy birthday song is needed . . . But many people do not know it . . . In my opinion it is far superior and the best birthday song ever.   But, really . . . getting to choose a song during Sunday morning singing is one of the best things ever as well and probably better . . .

I wonder what song my daughter will choose . . . I love hearing the songs chosen by the birthday girls and boys, ladies and gentlemen.  Songs about God's Holiness, goodness . . . Songs about faith and hope . . .  perseverance and heaven . . . love and joy . . . Trials and storms . . .

Thank You, God, for the lovely, beautiful gift on song!  Lifting out spirits to Your higher thoughts and ways!!!

" . . . May He bless you and keep you, ALL the year through.  And we pray that you'll ALWAYS be faithful and true!!!"

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