Saturday, March 23, 2019

Spring Fever

Sleep was elusive this night . . . I didn't think I drank coffee that late in the afternoon/evening, but something kept me awake . . . And then I started daydreaming ( Now, how can one daydream at night??? Isn't this a paradox?)

I began thinking of flowerbeds and gardens, of the planting and the of growing of herbs and all kinds of delicious and beautiful plants . . . Of making raised garden beds and darling garden paths, of landscaping our hillsides and the small spot in front of the house ( which is all still barrren sand, well with a bit of snow and ice on it yet to date).

Between browsing through a complete cookbook and writing down recipes to try, googling how to build cheap raised beds, and getting my husband sent off on his travels, here I am at five thirty up again with the excitements of spring tackling this sleep deprived body saying,  "Sleep is overrated after all.  Spring is almost here and you need to make plans!!!"

Spring fever . . . That is what has taken hold of me, I'm sure!

The summer visions loom close by in my brain, of future gardens lush, fruitful, weedless and fair . . . The spring rush of warmer weather thrills the heart until it beats louder and quicker than ever.  A fever sets in . . .

The forehead is warm, rather "hot" to the touch, as time spent outside gives us a sunkissed healthy glow.  The ear inside strains ever so hard to catch the song of the birds as it scurries to get it's duties done so as to be free to spend time with it's love.  The sky beckons with dawn, the sun beams his love, the earth quakes with impatience . . . Where and when will this freshly awakened love be allowed to immerse themselves in each other?

The goodness of God in the land of the living . . . Gives us hope and joy  . . . and dreams of a better day.

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