Wednesday, March 06, 2019

No Picture

I didn't get a picture taken yesterday of my friend on our outing . . . Only a picture of some littles that got to tag along with us.  I was going to . . . But somehow in the fun of the moments . . . I forgot and a picture didn't seem to fit the occasion anyway . . . When you open up and share your heart . . . Sometimes, bringing a camera into the picture 😋 just doesn't seem to fit.

A nice, long bit of travel, a friend's bulk food store, a " new" thrift store, and another one, and a first time for an Amish bent and dent store! 

Time with a friend . . . Fellowship to a thirsty soul . . . Heart connections . . . 

1 comment:

Joy said...

There's nothing like time spent with a friend to refresh one's soul. Glad you had the opportunity!