Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday Afternoon Musings

I have fresh herbs at various stagesof early growth in tin pots on my bedroom windowsill. This makes me happy.  I have a new addition to the empty wall along side that same window, a fairly long rectangular mirror with five hooks at the bottom and the frame painted white.  This brings me an exuberant amount of joy as well!

It is Sunday afternoon . . . A quiet time in this household, thanks to a faithful, steady husband who every Sunday issues this degree that it shall be naptime from such and such a time to the time determined by the determined father.

Rest . . . Reflection . . . Discussions . . . Prayer . . . Musing . . . Reading, writing, sharing . . .

Outside I can hear the traffic . . . Inside, the inside of me hears the Father . . . And I try to calm myself as a weaned child, knowing I need to trust the Father more . . . Knowing he is calling me to this . . . Hearing His whispers of love and leading . . .

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