Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Spring in My Heart

I know it's summer . . .

But as I was straightening up my pantry this afternoon, I spotted sprouting potatoes that needed to be used.  I brought them to the sink and started cutting sprouts away, washing and slicing them into smaller pieces in order to cook faster.  One potato in particular had this sprout deep in it's interior . . . I had to butcher the potato in order to try and get it out.

God brought to my mind that I should be like this potato . . . growing, sprouting, preparing for the future.  It wouldn't stop at anything . . . It just HAD to come bursting forth with new life!

It made me think of the verse that talks about out of our bellies will flow rivers of living waters . . .  the gushing of new life and growth and inspiration that can ONLY come from God himself.

What is in my heart?

Is it Spring?  Can anything stop it?  The other potatoes around it weren't that desperate to grow yet . . . but like the thankful leper who came back to give thanks . . . Could I be like this potato?  Intense deep joy and vibrant life that it gushes and pours fourth not letting any trial or problem get the best of it?

Wanna join me?  Wanna keep that SPRING in your heart?

I do.

I want that . . .

I want to live with LIFE coming forth!

I want to give NEW life and growth . . . It's what He created me to do . . .

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