Thursday, July 25, 2019

Enlarged Borders

It was calling for rain this morning . . . I started on things to be done . . . My list is rather long, but I am becoming more fond of lists . . . I used to hate them (and the reasons for that are too long a subject for today) . . . One of my goals was to edge another flowerbed today . . . So if it's gonna rain, I better get out there now and work on it . . .

 The air was lovely with a kiss of the tiniest raindrops . . .
 and the fragrance of summer . . .

I haven't messed much with the old house flowerbeds at all as we were going to be tearing this house down this spring, but as you can see it's still standing and I need to deal with things after all . . . I gave in the other day and sprayed a bit around to keep the grass from going into the beds any further!

. . . I found this morning that it has been a huge help as I dig an edging . . . I did not grow up with using mulch or digging edgings so I am new at this . . .but I love the look . . .

This old-fashioned hardy rose that leaves the rarest most special fragrance of any flower equal only to Lily of the Valley and the Lilac started out just a "slip of a girl" . . .
Over the years, it has grown to this mammoth bush that needs trimmed!

 As I dug, I was contemplating this . . . How that time after time, I have had to enlarge the borders around this plant.  It has taken over more yard a bit by bit each summer . . . Each summer I have had to take away grass clumps and give it more room.

The grass tries to take over . . .  bit by bit it slowly establishes it's right to grow into and steal the roses glor, . . . to cover the beauty with tall, wild blades of grass . . . using up precious nutrients and water meant for my rose!  It has no desire to let the world see what a glorious plant God created this to be!  

John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy:  I am come that they may  have life and have it more abundantly!"

I thought about my life and it's edges . . . the edges of my heart and soul . . . am I enlarging those edges with a shovel?. . .  Am I giving myself separation from that which destroys? . . . and takes away from God's beauty in my heart and life? . . . Am I NOT digging and letting that grass slowly, ever slowly grow into my life choking out what God had planned for me? . . .

  Psalm 119:32
the way of
for You will

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