Monday, July 22, 2019

Lessons From Simple Folk

"I needed to learn submission" she stated.  "God knew EXACTLY what I needed!"  . . . And this lady from a horse and buggy Mennonite\Amish group with her forthright soul spoke volumes to my heart.  What an example.  Why am I so slow to admit the times when I need or needed to learn submission of my heart and attitudes and actions . . .

She had asked for prayer the last time I had stopped by to buy three fifty lb sacks of potato's . . . prayer about waiting and resting in God's will as she wanted to have time to paint some rooms in her father-in-laws house while they were on an upcoming trip . . . . but it was at a very busy time and her husband had his opinion about the timing as all this was in his crazy schedule of planting and preparing gardens and fields as they sell produce.  So the next weeks that crept into months, I prayed when she came to my mind . . . my friend and sister-in-the-Lord out there in this Minnesota untamed, wild land . . . She who always welcomed me in . . . always an open door no matter when I came . . . showed me how to make "raw fries" and was so interested in ancestors as our last names are the same . . .

She is a true sister . . . calling me to live by that HIGHER standard that I can't always reach . . . calling me to listen more closely to my Lord . . . just by living . . . just by plainness of speech, just by openness and brave honesty . . .

I'll have to tell her next time I visit . . . until then I'm telling you . . . and other lady friends whose paths cross mine at times . . .She inspired me . . .

What has inspired you these days?


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