Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sand Pit and Poison Ivy - Part II

So years ago my friend and neighbor had a little girl who if I remember the story correctly was definitely NOT fond of her Sunday shoes . . .in fact I think she was complaining and making a fuss about them . . . Her mom being guided by the Holy Spirit instructed her that she COULD CHOOSE to have joy in them . . . She could CHOOSE to like them . . . Then she would be happy . . .

So I contemplated this short story as I strolled all over my dessert sand pit . . . mulling over my natural thoughts and starting to replace them with God's thoughts . . . For some unknown, unseen reason to me He sees fit to give me a sand pit . . . and lots of poison ivy that I am NOT so very fond of at all . . . In fact I have complained and made a fuss about it, verbally as well as in my heart . . .It's time to change this . . . It's time to CHOOSE joy . . .  It's time to rejoice in the day that the Lord made specifically for me  . . . in the land He's given us . . .

His promised peace reigns once again in my heart as I do this . . . and I am thankful that I can choose His ways and His will . . . and align my thoughts and actions with His . . .

There is a peace and quiet rest ... in this . . .in this submission . . .in this place of praise and gratitude . . .

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