Sunday, July 28, 2019

Entering In

I battled tears in the Sunday School classroom in the basement that served as a make do nursery . . . Bitterness was trying to worm it's way in and tears of pity for myself came flooding in . . . But drawing His strength, my spirit choose praise and I sang to my little person fairly loudly not worried  aboutothers hearing, because most of the reason for the tears were from the fact that that I couldn't hear the semon down here and my little one had to be here due to her humanity and stubborn will . . . And I desperately craved  all that a Sunday morning could hold, good solid preaching, sweet singing,  worship and close fellowshipping . . .

So the weapon of praise did it's job and I sang and sang . . .

Little girl did not go to sleep.

Finally, I took little girl upstairs and got in on the last prayer and testimony time after the sermon and I raised my voice and  thanked the  ministerfor the message and with joy gave thanks that I would get to hear the rest of it this week . . . And as I was verbalizing this and the words were tumbling out, my heart skipped a beat as I saw where the person was sitting that was to record the message that morning . . . He was not in the place to record.

This job was not his, but given the him just to do today as the regular guy for this was gone this Sunday . . .

There.  I had it.  Another chance . . .  to use the weapon of praise.

So as my mind scaled the mountains and valleys this revelation brought . . .I choose to start thanking God that instead of hearing the message from the ministers recorded voice, I could, dig in and study the word and hear this message DIRECTLY from God Himself . . .

That . . . Now that IS Nice!

Satan knows what gets us . . . He knows how to jab and send those darts . . . He knows what I care about and cry over . . .

But God.

God is the Victorious One! . . . And whatever Satan thinks he can use, God can turn it around and use even more! 

He used this simple incident in my life to help ingrain upon me the value of praise.

It won me the victory.  It worked. 

"Greater is He that is in me, then he that is in the world."

So this entering into his Gates of Righteousness through praise . . . Is just that.  An entering in . . . Getting inside . . .a key to joy and closeness . . . A way that I so often pass by . . .

May I enter in each time . . . May I sing His praises!

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