Friday, January 25, 2019

Time Spent in the Kitchen

I have spent most of the day cooking.  Ten ladies and a guy . . . stitching at a quilt retreat all day need some good supper.  Last year I sewed along with them.  This year, I felt needed at home too greatly – though that was partly due to not really feeling like being among them this year like that.  I have my baby to tend to and I’d rather sew on my sewing projects here at home.  I can supervise the children, cook and visit the retreat in the evenings. 
Poor man’s steak, scalloped potatoes, spring greens salad with a multitude of toppings, Jaden made finger jello flowers with a mold, mixed veggies that include soybeans and sweet red peppers (actually very yummy), Lynne mixed up dinner rolls and Loraine and Jeremiah made angel food cakes to serve with a strawberry pie like filling and real whipped cream.  Just takes time to make most of this stuff by scratch and then double that to feed our family at home as well.  The electric roaster is in use, my instapot will be in use, a huge bar pan, and I had to borrow a crockpot to keep the veggies warm for the trip over to the event.  Our two stoves\ovens have been put to good use today.
I am thankful for Joan making the carmel rolls\breakfast stuff and taking care of the lunches!  Last evening we served boughten pizzas andI had offered to make a nice big salad.   Which to my humilitation, when it came time to set the salad out with the pizza and pop, I realized I had completely forgotten all about!
Food is necessary.   And a lovely, delicious spread is a joy.  Not sure why, I don’t particularly care for cooking all the much . . . maybe it is partly due to the stress of wanting it to be good . . . and knowing I am not the best cook in the kitchen!
But today, I tried . . . And I amazed myself and didn’t even cry a tear over my utter failure last evening.


Jean said...

What a feast you and your children provided!! I'm so impressed with all the things your children know how to make!

Amy said...

Sounds like you were a blessing to them! I'm sure your efforts were appreciated. :)