Wednesday, January 09, 2019

A Reminder

A favorite poem of mine over the years . . .

The Rose Bud

It is only a tiny rosebud; 
A flower of God's design. 
But I cannot unfold the petals; 
With these clumsy hands of mine. 

The secret of unfolding flowers; 
Is not known to such as I. 
GOD opens this flower so easily; 
But in my hands they die. 

If I cannot unfold a rosebud; 
This flower of God's design, 
Then how can I have the wisdom; 
To unfold this life of mine? 

So I'll trust in God for leading; 
Each moment of my day. 
I will look to God for guidance; 
In each step along the way. 

The path that lies before me; 
Only my Lord knows. 
I'll trust God to unfold the moments; 
Just as He unfolds the rose.

—Author Unknown


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