Friday, January 04, 2019

Desire Deferred

I thought . . .  I thought that I could sew . . . I mean, I have a designated sewing “room” on the third floor at the top of the stairs.  And I was so excited today, with the purchases I made at SRHarris’ – dark brown wool fabric for the backing of comforts.  But, not so.  Veronica, who is nine months old and missed me the last twenty-four hours didn’t want to let me out of her sight.  I know, it was sweet.  And I snuggled and hugged and kisses and held her lots since I arrived home, but yeah this will last a a couple days. 

I thought . . . I thought that since we moved and I have space for sewing, I might be found up there sewing happily away during the night for an hour when I can’t sleep.  Not so.  The girls need their sleep and I might make too much noise and wake them up.  Reality is more like, that I still am not organized with my gigantuous operation of comfort top making supplies, complete with fuzzy blankets\batting and sheets and other fabrics for the backs.  I have quite a collection.  Even fabric scraps for the tops . . .  somehow I don’t run out any more.  Till I use some, more appears and this not from my own soliciting.

I thought . . . I thought I somehow by actively sewing my supplies would dwindle and not have so much to “dig” through or store.  But not so.  It keeps coming.  And now by this time, I am buying nice wool fabric . . . because I want people to be warm.

I thought . . . that my daughter would have the same love and passion that I do in this . . .  That the thrill would keep her fitting it in, all hours and days and weeks of the year.  Not so.  She likes to sew dresses.  And this is good!!! I am really glad she is different than me in this after all I decided.  This is good . .  but different than I had thought it might be.

I thought . . . that I could sew  sometime soon . . . but there are a jillion other things to attend to.  So, I do that instead . . .

I thought . . . that I could sew today . . .  but decided that relationships were more important . . . and a walk . . .  on top of being wife and mother . . .

Do you think, perchance, sewing is a passion of mine?

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