Friday, January 25, 2019

Sewing Messes

I am learning . . . I THINK I am learning to be content in whatever state I'm in . . . Ina big mess happily sewing away, an "interrupted" state with caring for my babies and family in between my seams . . . or not being able to sew for days or weeks . . . or to sew organized without mess.

No, on second thought, I'm don't pass these tests very well.

. . . But I am trying.

As you can see from the picture, I can sew happily in a mess . . . In fact, this is what I how I often find myself doing it.

I can spread out . . . And sort as I sew . . . One pile, all the way to the left, beside the left grey tote are the larger pieces of fabric that need cutting into useable strips.  I can pull fabric out either side of me . . . As I chose what colors to use and what size would be good to use where.  Does this sound confusing? . . . I have spent several years perfecting this technique.  This is fun.  Though it is more fun sewing pieces together, when I take the time to sort by size and cut into strips before I sit down and "go to town".

Right now, I am trying to use up fabric that I have accumulated the past couple years . . .

I am so get the greatest sense of satisfaction, making choices of color and textures . . . I feel like I have been created to do this . . .

And without further editing . . . Here ya go . . . Part of me . . . Oh, and Jeremiah isn't sewing, he is fixing my serger . .
And I don't always sew in such chaotic drama . . . But probably more often than not 😉.


Aimee said...

I tried and tried paying a picture with this, but to no avail . . . Somehow, I can't get pictures to post on this blog . . . Not sure what to do, or when my husband will have time to help me . . . Not that anyone has shown any signs of reading these posts anyway . . . I suppose it doesn't matter . . . But I love pictures . . . And this post you have to see the picture with the words 😂.

Joy said...

🙈I've been a silent, but nonetheless appreciative, reader. 😊 I do wish I could see the picture but I can create one in my mind until someone has time to help you figure it out. Blessings to you, my friend! I think of you often.

Jean said...

I'm reading! Hmmm. I wonder why you can't post pictures? I use Blogger for my blog and post tons of pictures. Are you posting from a computer, a tablet, a phone?

Good for you learning to enjoy sewing even when things are a mess. Somehow I never accomplished that.

Aimee said...

Oh, how lovely . . . There are a few people over here!!! Joy do you use WhatsApp at all?

Aimee said...

Aunt Jean, maybe that is my problem, I've been posting from my phone! Thanks for the suggestion!