Friday, August 14, 2020

Zealous All Day

"Do not let your heart envy sinners, But be zealous for the fear of the LORD all the day;" Proverbs 23:17

These waves pound against the shore day and night, and have done so since the day God created them . . . And will until He returns . . . They are constant.  They have never ceased. They continue and continue and continue. Wave upon wave, wave upon wave . . . After wave upon wave.  They are zeolous all right.  I don't think they envy anything one bit . . . They wash the shore clean of footprints and disturbances.  They fear no foe.  They live to diplay His glory and His grace. They wait in humility rolling to the drum of the Almighty God.  

Proverbs 23 says don't let your heart be bound up tight with burdens and sin . . . Seek and dwell in His Almighty plan for you day after day after day. Be zeolous for the reverence and admiration and devotion to the One who saves you and loves you and redeems you.

" Be zealous for fear of the Lord ALL the day."

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