Sunday, August 02, 2020

Do My Words Fall to the Ground?

"So Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground." I Samuel 3:19

Pondering this verse this morning . . . So who exactly "let none of his words fall to the ground"?  Did God keep them up and make use of them? Did Samuel make sure his words were honest and right and good?  . . . I'm sure they had to be sweet and pleasant and true . . . not angry and bitter and rotten . . .

What happens to my words and your words . . . As they proceed out from our mouths . . . Picture them there in the air . . . Will God let them fall or will they be "honorable" and carried forth by God used and blessed and alive . . . or will they tumble down to the ground and stink and cause a stench for all who pass by?

May the Lord be with us . . . and may He hold our words . . . and may they go forth in His name!

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