Saturday, October 19, 2019

My Little People

It's amazing.  How all these souls come to be . . . They show up at your house, such tiny, complete, miniature persons.  They laugh and shout . . . Snuggle and cry and want food all the time . . . They beg for stories and picnics . . . Milk and cookies . . . They make houses and play outside.

And they become . . . Great help in the kitchen.

My oldest daughter can put me to shame with all the stuff she gets done . . .I feel like I am driving in the slow lane and she passes me by most days.

But she's lived with me all her life and knows me pretty well . . .

It's fun having a fifteen year old gal as a friend and confidante . . . No she isn't seasoned like me and doesn't "get" slot if things yet, but that's ok.  I am a burnt out woman and I didn't want her enthusiasm to dull for a long time! I am so glad for her vibrant love of life and doing things.

She also gives me hope as I despair at these younger girls . . . Of when and if they will ever grow up to stop making messes . . . If when the tide will turn and the mess makers will become the keepers of home and happiness.

Little people with such individual personalities . . . Of such potential for good . . . To be surrounded or at least known by these for the rest of my life as mom . . . An intimate knowledge and friendship, a tie and bond like no other . . . What a gift.  Little people are precious.

Celebrate them.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Aimee, I just caught up on all your blog posts. I just love your heart.

How wonderful that you have such a good helper and friend in your sweet Loraine.

This picture of your little girls is so full of love and life.

You're a really good mamma, Aimee.