Thursday, October 17, 2019


There are times in my life where I do hard things on purpose . . . Like for practice because I recognize how soft and lazy I am and can become . . . I have not been a huge fan of brussel sprouts, but this week I have learned to like them . . . Okay . . . It's a small thing, I agree . . . Next week I want to practice getting up earlier . . .

What small step are you doing or thinking of doing to challenge yourself?

Somehow we gain courage when we know others are walking this road as well . . . And our souls need prodding at times to get moving . . . Be brave and set a goal for just a day or three . . . What will it be? Please comment below here . . . Sometimes sharing that challenge with others MAKES it "real" like I can't just shake it off tomorrow and say, oh, I didn't really want to do that I guess  and drop it . . . No, I have found sharing often puts the Spurs on to keep my word or challenge and makes me a better person 🙂.

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