Saturday, November 02, 2019

"Surely the Lord is In This place and I Knew It Not"

"Count it all joy" the preacher reminded us on Sunday . . . "Make a tally mark under the headline of JOY" . . . You don't have to jump up and down and shout for joy . . . but you are not to make marks in the pain\bitterness side . . . Look through God's eyes and see His point of view . . . back up and look at it from a distance.  Thank the Lord for what you CAN learn from it.  Seek Him and His glory . . . and you can count it all joy . . .

There is beauty in God's work . . . and He's at work in my life and yours E.V.E.R.Y. single day.  Day after day. he doesn't give up.  He's patient. 

Studying for this week's Sunday School lesson about blessings at Bethel, it is finally clicking.  "Surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not."  God is in the hard things . . . Walk through them to get to the gate of heaven . . .

1 comment:

Jean said...

Thanks for this encouragement, Aimee! I'm going to start saying this verse on a regular basis. It builds my faith.