Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sometimes I Need . . .

 . . . Someone to invite me into their loving room and sing a song to me . . . So I did that just for you today . . . It is what it is . . . But I needed this song, so I'm giving it away.

And this afternoon when my little daughter was bawling upstairs . . . The problem was I didn't sing to her at nap time . . . I went and sat in her bed with her and we listened to the song, "Sing to Me of Heaven" . . . Because I have a lump in my throat today and can't sing other than the one I sang for you, because God is testing my metal about praising Him in our trials and giving thanks for everything . . . I shouldn't be surprised . . . But you know . . . We humans have this natural tendency to think that w we have a right to have ALL things go well . . .

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I'm sorry, I can't get it to play either . . . Not sure why