Monday, June 12, 2006

"Promise of the Life"

Since Jaden has been born, I’m having a hard time getting the scales to read a lower number . . . It’s coming off a lot harder than after my other babies (well after Jeremiah it was soooo slow too). So time to exercise and watch what I eat . . . and now I’m getting excited. I am starting to see results! Actually just two pounds since Friday, but it’s a whole lot better than seeing them go up or stay the same!

. . . Then I am reminded about how little it matters (except there is something to say for self-discipline)

“For bodily exercise profiteth little; but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” I Timothy 4:8

“having promise of the life . . . .” THIS TRUELY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!


Destination...Gloryland! said...

Have I told you that you are a wonderful friend lately? Well, just in are a WONDERFUL friend!

ampraisingHim said...

I appreciate your post. I am struggling with my weight, and am trying to change my lifestyle, eat better, continue to exercise, et. Its helpful to be reminded of what is truly important!!, thank you.

Momof3 said...

I'm wanting to lose my baby weight, too, Aimee! Last I'd checked I'd dropped 26 lbs., but I know I'm not done yet. Any tips for a new mom?

Aimee said...

Lez, not sure I really have any tips, there are so many variables. Exersize helps, but if you are like me, I struggle to find the time.

Someone recently told me that their "baby" weight doesn't really come off till they stop nursing. And I think that has been the case with me also. Though I have never been able to nurse my babies very long usally by the time I quit (am completly done) the weight is gone!

Cutting back on my eating also helps but I can't do that very well or my milk drops and I have plenty of problems keeping it up as it is.

The other thing to keep in mind is that God made us this way . . . HE made us to gain weight to grow our baby, and to nourish it. So often we ladies think so much like the "world" that we have to have a trim figure and worry and fret about it. In His time and with some self-discipline that can happen. (My husband used to preach this sermon to me occasionally!)

My advice: Relax a bit and give yourself some more time. You took about nine months to add, don't expect it to ALL disappear in a few weeks.

I remember after my first baby having fears that I'd never be slim again, especially at about six or eight weeks after the birth, when "You should feel normal again" ;) Someone told me that "Your never nomal again. Being a Mom changes things forever."

But it hits me hard each time after I have a baby (I've GOT to get rid of this extra weight! I don't want to be fat!)

. . . But somewhere in life somehow Mom's tend to look matronly . . . We've passed girlhood. It's a good season in life, tough maybe, but good.

Hang in there, Lez - Aimee