Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My Story, Part 4

After we were engaged I faced probably the hardest thing in my life.  On one of our phone conversations Japheth asked me to go back and become a member again of the church I’d left earlier that spring.  I cried for days.  

No church is perfect . . . yet when is it right to leave a church? So I saw some inconsistencies, yet that didn’t make my response right.  Submission to ones authorities is a vital thing.  I had a long talk with my Dad.  Finding out that he thought returning to the church would be the right thing to do, meant a lot to me.  I hadn’t known he felt that way . . .  In fact, to be honest, I felt that some of the attitudes I had developed, had grown from some of his responses to the authorities there.  Yet that still did not make it right for me to feel that way and move on it.  The church I attended while teaching school in Michigan was also struggling and about to split over similar issues. I had come to think the world of the family I stayed with, and felt their support in leaving my home church.  In all this I struggled with what it meant to stand firm and be loyal.  So now I was in a MESS.  

I was not a member anywhere and that greatly concerned my husband-to-be, and the pastor (Japheth’s dad) of the church up in MN.  Would I listen to my leadership there and do what was right?  For a brief moment I considered what would happen if I did not go back, but stubbornly hold on to my decision leave there.  I quickly told myself I cannot even consider that.  God knew what it would take for me to listen and obey.  

I look back now and marvel at God’s plan.  Sometimes I think of how quickly we were engaged and wonder at the wisdom of it all.  Yet, then I reflect that this was where God needed to bring me, for me to heed this request.  If it wouldn’t have been for Japheth, I don’t know if I could’ve done it.   He so wisely counseled me over the phone . . . it was the right thing to do, yet my heart could not go along.  But in spite of that I did humble myself and ask to be taken back to as a member at McGaheysville Mennonite Church.  It was an experience I never will forget.  

I’ve regretted so often that I left in the first place.  Can God make beauty out of ashes?  I know He can. . . yet at times like this I tend to let the doubts assail my soul.  What good can come out of this great failing? I especially remember feeling the eyes of the young people on me several years younger and down.  Some of them I had taught in Sunday School.  What kind of an example was I now?

I am so glad though, that I was obedient to follow the whole thing through.  I have been blessed abundantly through it.  When I go back to visit, there isn’t a wall up like there was.  I can walk through those doors and feel welcome and clean.

There isn’t a better feeling in the world than being at peace with God and man, having all the turmoil and doubts taken care of.  We’ll have all of eternity to rejoice that we made things right!

Like the Psalm 107:15-22  says “Oh, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men.  For He hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder.  Fools, because of their transgression and because of their iniquities are afflicted. . . .  Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble and He saveth them out of their distresses.  He sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions.  . .  and declare His works with rejoicing.”


Anonymous said...

What an encouragement you are to me.
I am going through struggles in my life now that I never thought I would have to go through. There are almost times I don't know who I am.
At this time my husband and I have left the mennonite church, which means at this time we are seperated not only from the churh, but also from all our children. It is a long story and I won't bore you or your readers with it, but let me say again that you are an encouragement to me.
Don't take me wrong I am aware that there are good Christians other than Mennonites, but for now I don't know where I belong.

Momof3 said...

I'm enjoying all these love stories, and especially like hearing both spouses' sides!
By the way, Congrats,Aimee, on your pregnancy again! We are expecting our first child around the beginning of May. And I've been watching what you and Cretora have been saying about your pregnancies, and knowing what you're talking about! God Bless!

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed your love stories, eventhough we knew some of the highlights. Grandma enjoys that we pass them on to her.

We thought you might enjoy this website of a family who just had their 16th child.


Aimee said...

Yeah, I met the Mom of another family of 16 children who have been coming each Spring to our Track and Field Day. They come in a bus. My Dad teases us that we'll soon be drivng one too!

Update on baby: I felt the first kick Sat. night! Gets more exciting as the days roll by!

My son asked Grandma the other day, "Grandma, do you have a baby in there? Pointing to her stomach. "No, (Grandma says) it's just a "grandma belly!" I well remember waiting and waiting and waiting for my Grandmother to have a baby! She never did!