Thursday, August 08, 2019


Is it just me or do other ladies like to hear from other ladies? . . . And I've often wondered why God doesn't have much recorded for us ladies about other women in Bible times . . . I suppose if they were anything like me it might have to much emotional whatever . . .

 . . . But that doesn't take away that longing.

The Bible does say that the older women are to teach the younger women . . . But how does that happen? . . .

What are your experiences?

I often wonder, who God made us the way He did . . . And why I can't be stronger emotionally . . .

What would these Bible-time ladies say to me if we had coffee together . . .

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Shall I start talking to myself? Lol

. . . Just kidding

But God did remind me about all the women of faith around me in the here and now . . . And I am so thankful for living Godly examples and friends!!!