I encourage anyone who has or has had a miscarriage to give their baby a name. Someday in heaven we will get to meet those we never knew here on earth. I feel so much more connected just by naming them!
Also we have given our children a special verse or verses along with the meaning of their names. For example with Japheth Jr. we chose chose Psalm 107, especially the verses, 29 and 30.
“He calms the storm, so that the.waves thereof are still. Then they are glad because they are quiet; So He guides them to their desired haven.” It meant so much to me over the time Japheth was born
Japheth means God shall enlarge (Also Papa’s name of course!).
Daniel we picked for several reasons. First off we like Biblical names of heroes of the faith. Second it is a family name, my Grandfather Daniel Pierce who I have fond memories of. Thirdly, but not least, we not knowing what the future holds wish for our son to stand strong even it separated from family, hostage or persecuted in a foreign land.
Jeremiah – after the weeping prophet. May God reign so much in his heart that he will weep over the lost ness of wayward people and call them to God.
The song, “May I Use Your Eyes” by Judi Yoder comes to mind.
Frank – after my Dad. Thinking of just being honest and frank about what one has to say.
I chose the verse
Psalm 9:10 “And they that KNOW Thy name will put their trust in Thee; For Thou, Lord has not forsaken them that seek Thee.” That my son would really know God and trust in Him and seek Him and find God faithful!
David and Daisy –
“The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21b My twins. The Lord has bountifully given, the Lord has taken away. God doesn’t make mistakes; He knows what is best. I will bless His name whatever He does! Maybe God knew that my “cup” was full and I wouldn’t be able to handle two more babies at that time . . . but He still gave them to me . . . I just don’t have them NOW. God is taking very good care of them anyway, much better than I would have been able to. . . and they are SAFE, already in heaven, no need to worry or fret over their spiritual wellbeing!
I was just at the end of my first trimester. We had traveled in East to visit friends and family. There was stress involved in some relationships on the way. My heart was grieving over the direction people dear to me were taking. My Grandmother Francis Showalter had died while we were in PA visiting Japheth’s Grandparents. We braved the winter storm and headed down to VA for the funeral. It was sad in the fact that besides family only a few other people that you might could count on your fingers were there. She was the last one of my Grandparents. I never really knew them in my adulthood, by then they were gone and Grandma had Alzheimer’s. I wish I knew more of their lives, their thoughts and feelings. I wish I could’ve conversed with them about life.
We were tired of being away from home for two weeks and were ready to be home again. We were to leave the next morning. I had started bleeding a day or two before and then the contractions. We not having experienced a miscarriage before didn’t know what to do. Our midwife was back home . . . we talked on the phone a bit. Finally we decided that before anything major happens we should go in and see if we could save the baby. We drove into the ER and were just getting the paperwork down when I felt a POP and realized it was too late. They wheeled me on into a room and the doctor delivered the baby. He didn’t want me to see it. I protested. So later they brought my baby to us to look at. We couldn’t see anything but a fist sized glob of bloody mass.
I was disappointed. I didn’t know that the placenta wraps itself around the baby at this early age. We grieved over our loss. The doctor wanted me to have a DNC; we weren’t sure we wanted that, but we really wanted to travel home the next day so we finally agreed. I think the other baby was still inside me and they took it out in the DNC. They never told us that, but I surmised that is what happened. We didn’t know it was twins until a couple weeks later we received a letter stating that it appears that we had twins.
Then I had all these regrets. For one why did we allow the DNC done. Couldn’t we just have waited it out and let God cleanse my womb? Why didn’t we bring our baby along home and pull apart the placenta and see our baby with our own eyes. A friend of mine told me about her miscarriage and how the baby was so perfectly formed at about the same age. Why? Why, didn’t we think of such things? At least we could’ve had a little grave somewhere. And so my heart cried.
In the ER I wanted to give this child that I couldn’t see and that was gone a name. I had wanted to name one of our girls Daisy. Japheth wasn’t so keen on that name. I had given it up . . . now maybe we could name this child Daisy. We wouldn’t be using it on a regular basis . . . This was my flower in heaven. My dear husband graciously granted my request and so Daisy she became.
We left that morning as soon as we could get out of the hospital and packed. On the way home Japheth purchased a bouquet of daises for me.
When we got the letter in the mail stating that there was another baby, I marveled at God’s hand. Truly, God does not give you more than you can bear. The thought of having four children two and under was tiring to say the least. I rejoiced that God still gave them to me anyway . . . I just have to wait longer to see them and get to know them. I rejoice that they are already with Jesus! I thought the name David fit so well with Daisy. We both liked that name, but as it is so common we probably wouldn’t have used it on a full term child. David, a friend of God . . .
Jewel –
“You shall come to the grave at a full age, as a sheaf of grain ripens in its season..“ Job 5:26 No, Jewel was only several weeks along, but God called her home. It was His time, her season was over. She was just at the beginning of being formed into a beautiful “bud” ripe for what God wanted her.
The day before I miscarried here I thought I might lose this one too. I read
Malachi 3:17 “They shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, on the day that I make up my jewels in heaven. . . “ So I named this one Jewel.
Loraine – is my middle name and means brave in battle. In the battle in this life there is much spiritual warfare, may she do her part in battling with a brave heart.
Rose – the lovely fragrant flower. May her life emit a fragrance that honors our awesome God!
Her verse
Psalm 90:17 “And let the beauty of the Lord be upon us and establish the work of our hands upon us, yea the work of our hands establish thou it.” She is such a busy little girl may the Lord establish the work of her hands and may the beauty of the Lord, His love, patience, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness etc. be upon her and shine through her life.
Wayne Robert – actually means wagon maker. We named him after his Grandpa Robert (Bob) who is a cabinet maker and one of the most honest, upright men I know, following God with all his heart.
I chose
Isaiah 43:16 and 19a “Thus says the Lord, who maketh a WAY in the sea and a path through the mighty waters . . . Behold I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it?And our next baby’s verse is
Psalm 108:13 “Through God we shall do valiantly. For it is He who shall tread down our enemies.”A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.” Proverbs 22:1